
Romans: A Commentary on the Book of Romans is unavailable, but you can change that!

Jewett’s commentary on Romans explores the crucial and controverted passages that have always animated studies of epistle. The author also incorporates the exciting new insights from archaeology of the city of Rome, social history of early Christianity, social-scientific work on early Christianity, and the interpretation and reception of Paul’s letter through the ages. With this massive work you...

that begins in 5:1*.13 The pericope closes with a confessional formulation that brings to a climax the entire first proof, confirming the thesis of 1:16–17* that the gospel of Christ crucified and resurrected conveys the righteousness of God. Rhetorical Disposition IV. The Probatio 1:18—4:25 A. The first proof: The gospel expresses the impartial righteousness of God by overturning claims of cultural superiority and by setting right Jews and Gentiles through grace alone 4:1–25 5. Abraham and
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